Dean of Student Academic Support

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June 9, 2022
Yesterday I had the opportunity as the “Dean of Student Academic Support” to speak with a group of new students transitioning into our school. 🏫 I could tell some of them were tired and seemed a little overwhelmed by information overload! 😳
As I began to talk about our role as Academic Support, the Holy Spirit gently reminded me that our greatest distinguishing characteristic as “children of God” is…love ❤️. This kind of love is patient, kind and not judgmental! If we are honest we must admit we usually don’t live our lives like this.
So what keeps us from walking in Kingdom minded love? Could it be our tendency to glean our sense of worth from attaching or detracting worth from others, based on what we see?
Unfortunately like the first to humans we position ourselves as judges of others rather than simply loving others. 👩🏽⚖️
Our judgement of others (not seeing them as “worthy of the love” we say we walk in…keeps us stagnant and impotent!
Let’s encourage one another to know we ARE BELOVED ❤️ children of God! It is not based on what we have done or will do…it is based on the FINISHED work of Christ! Just BE…LOVED, and you will be enabled to love others.
Love ❤️ you and praying you know how much YOU are LOVED! – Doc
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 – ESV