Hebrews 13:8 NASB

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Oh Lord God you have made the heavens and the earth 🌎 by your great power! Nothing is too difficult for you!
About 35 years ago, this song would be sung loud in our church! God was on the move on our campus and in our church.
Excitement brewed as young people were coming to the Lord!
As we mature in our journey with the Lord, sometimes what is fresh and powerful can become dull and impotent. I suppose this is why the writer says “This is the day that the Lord has made”, so we can be reminded moment by moment and day by day that our God is still the same.
He still is the mountain mover, and life changer! Do we believe it? Can we receive it? Let’s walk in it! Smile 😊 be an encouragement to someone today. Listen for the Lord’s voice to know what to say!
Nothing is too difficult for him!
Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today, and forever Hebrews 13:8 NASB