Proverbs 18:10

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What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Where do you go when you feel overwhelmed? This is where I was yesterday!!!😩 The day before the first day of school. BUT GOD! He met me in my classroom today!!!!
The Psalmist tells us where he would go…in Psalm 46 which actually was a song 🎶 🎵, he sings “God is my refuge and strength” I love the fact that it is a song, because our mind can capture words and tunes. Maybe that is why David said ” I mused upon the Word until it was hot within me and…then I spoke with my mouth.”
A tune repeating itself in our head 🧠 has incredible ability to influence our emotions and often our behavior. In this particular song/Psalm the reinforcement of God is our refuge and God is our strength is enough to convince my thoughts and emotions that…”Jireh” you are enough!!!!🎵🎶 (Shout out again to Jubilee Juneteenth Edition Maverick City Music)
We are told in scripture to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Could it be the very process of entry is preparing our hearts to trust the One we are meeting with? ☺️
🎵God is our refuge – is a condition of “being” safe. Maybe that is why the writer says … “a present help in time of need.” In the original language “machaceh” it means to flee back to a place for protection.
Let’s make God’s presence a familiar place we flee back to!
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.”
Proverbs 18:10
Run to your safe place!!!
❤️🙏🏾 Dr René