Galatians 1:12

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Good morning child of God! Before we start into our busy day or any purposed mission it is good to understand…who The Father says we are!
Lessons from our leader and role model! Jesus:The Christ, The Anointed). Scriptures tell us a that Jesus was reminded of who He was before he started His earthly mission.
When Jesus was baptized at the river Jordan, a voice came from Heaven saying: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
So, what can be learned today?
1. Jesus’ baptism was symbolic. In that day, the individual is stating: they will follow the teaching and leading of the one baptizing them. Generally the teacher, leader or Rabbi would state: “Follow me” (my teachings)…but when Jesus was baptized, He came immediately up from the water; seeing the heavens opened, the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove.
Then a voice came from heaven, saying:You are My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” This was a personal note to Him from his Heavenly Father. God spoke personally and publicly!
Whatever we need to know the Father will make it clear to our ear! And what the Father wants the world to know He will reveal!
Listen for His voice to you and trust His voice to be made known by His Spirit! “Revelation” is born from “above” others need to hear from God, not just us! Our wisdom and opinion do not carry the weight or power or a Spirit birthed revelation. Wait on it! Do what you know to do and trust God with the rest!
“For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:12
♥️and peace Doc