Genesis 1:27-28 ESV

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Each of us have a gift call and an anointing, to cultivate the space that we have been placed. When God placed Adam in the garden he gave him a task. To take care of what God had already given life to. There are individuals the Lord has placed in our sphere of influence to nurture. However, it will take a collaborative effort infused by the power of The Holy Spirit and not just rhetoric to get things done.
Two are better than one to get things done. We often talk about something with polished slogans of what we have heard and have learned in or. spelled out with beautiful pictures on walls of our twitter feed…But God is concerned with us walking out His vision and purpose on earth
in our case our sphere of influence.
Where and with whom has God placed you? Pray together, Plan together and be Productive. In the garden GOD HAD GROWN everything, then He placed the first two humans he created in the garden to nurture what He had started. God placed a male and female! It is a we thing! Not a me or a my thing!
God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created him (the spirit being)male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful (productive)and multiply and fill the earth and subdue (overcome, quiet and bring under control) Genesis 1:27-28 ESV.
Who are you being productive with?
♥️ Doc