Jeremiah 29:13

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It is a brand new day! New mercies are here once again!!!Thank You Jesus! We came come to the throne room of GRACE to “find” mercy and grace to help in time of need! It has been a long week of school even though it was 4 days it felt like 5 . But…I am glad to know that I can “find” the God of grace when I need Him.
When I feel lost, He can be found! The Good News to me is He is forever present, because He IS!!! And because He is I can face today and tomorrow! As we get ready to roll into the weekend, you can Know that God does not play hide and seek with you!
he says you can seek me and you will find me when you seek for me with all your heart.
Authentically Seeking Him…
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13, KJV