Jeremiah 33:3

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While driving to school 🚗 and praying 🙏🏾 with my friend, the Lord spoke something so encouraging to my heart ♥️. I learned years ago to pray the scriptures. It allows me to continue to hear God’s Truth and discern what may be happening in my daily sphere of influence.
As we prayed this morning the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance the scripture: “Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isa 43:19
I continued to pray the verse and then had a thought…(remember the Holy Spirit reminds you of things you may need to know, in order to grow.) My thought was, God “already knew” what was “new” to me in that moment. Then I paused and said…GLORY!!!
When something “springs forth” it is already present, but comes forth out of the “darkness of disillusionment and ignorance” into the known present as a “revelation” I love the fact that what is new to me has already been discussed in the portals of Glory!!
Today rest in what is known and soon to be shown! 😉
Love yah Doc ♥️
“Call upon me and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” Jeremiah 33:3
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