John 14:26 ESV

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Good Morning,
Learning to lean in and pay attention is something The Lord is teaching me about His Spirit. Especially mornings like this when wanting to get down the highway. The drivers were moving slow and somewhat cautious this morning
. The journey in the car helped me learn a little more about our “Partner” the Holy Spirit. His presence goes with us and is in us throughout the day. For whatever reason we don’t talk much about Him, even though that is Who Jesus asked the Father to send to be our “Counselor and Helper”. (John 14:16)The Word Helper here is “paraklētos” high translates as an “advocate”!
That is exciting to me! I have a person who publicly supports me or recommends The Kingdom’s cause or policy!
When the Holy Spirit comes upon us the scripture says we will be a witness! In actuality The “Advocate” dwelling in us will remind us of what to say and how to act. He testifies on our behalf to the world!
Wait on Him to do what He does in and through you today!
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
John 14:26 ESV