Malachi 3:6 ESV

Malachi 3:6 ESV

Hey my friends, been away for a while finishing school and needing space and time to write! Back to A Word for the day with Dr. René!
June 2, 2022

Good evening! I know you usually receive your Word for the day in the morning, but…things were already moving when I rolled out of bed 🛌 . 😉
The day is not over! I had the opportunity to work on rearranging office space and rooms with a colleague. Next school year will look VERY different! The high school will have new staff in every department BUT ONE! 😳
The good news in all this is BUT ONE…Heaven and earth can go through shaking and disruption, BUT ONE will never change! Nothing catches our God by surprise! He is clear… “I am the Lord your God who does not change! Offices, systems and personnel will change…BUT ONE will see to it you are not consumed!!
His character is constant and consistent! Whatever change comes your way, know that Your God will be in the center of it all! Rest in his unchanging persistent presence!
“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
Malachi 3:6 ESV


Dr. René Rochester is the CEO and founder of Phat Star® Learning, formed over 10 years ago to serve urban youth, youth workers and impoverished communities. In our formative years we spent much of our time training inner-city urban youth workers. As the designer of the Kids Across America Kaleo Program, Dr. Rene had the opportunity to serve thousands of youth workers from around the country for over 10 years. During recent years, she has been very concerned with the state of education in our country especially among African American youth.
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