Micah 6:8 ESV

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It’s hard to believe it’s September 1 my goodness. Back in the day as a little girl in Massachusetts we knew this was the last full weekend of summer because school started after Labor Day! This was the weekend everything was getting put in place we made our way to Quincy bargain center LOL shout out to my Massachusetts friends. We would go shopping for
pens and pencils, paper notebooks etc…what about the aluminum lunchboxes.
To my sista friends you knew the hair had to be did on Saturday and you better not sweat out your edges
. (Thanks for letting me go down memory lane for a moment).
There was so much preparation for that 1st day! On this first day of September, my prayer for all of you is to remember Who prepared a place for you! Teachers spend sometime relaxing in the summer but much of the time preparing plans and getting classrooms ready for the new students coming in. God the Father and God the Son where preparing the school of earth for us to learn how to walk out His Kingdom reign
on earth as it is in heaven!! And He sent The Teacher: The Holy Spirit to be with us throughout our “life lesson!”Let’s do what mamma used to say as you walked out the door…
“Have a good day… listen to your teacher! “
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 ESV