New Beginning – I Am Committing Today

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The 8th day of the 8th month. It’s a double portion of New beginning! So what will I do??
I’m going to wait on The Lord🎶 He will renew my strength so wait I say …on The Lord! It is two days before the first day of school, and here I sit waiting on the doctor 😳! I am moving classrooms after 11+ years! Ask me if I am ready 😳😳PRAY!!! Notified yesterday! Pray for helping hands, organization and order. Our God does things line upon line and precept upon precept. The book 📖 says commit your ways to the Lord and He will direct your steps” I am committing today and believing His grace is sufficient!
This school year is starting with a lot of new for me! But I am holding on to a “new beginning of joy and peace! Only by His
“May integrity and uprightness preserve me,for I wait for you.”
Psalm 25:21