Psalm 34:3 ESV

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Yesterday we talked about call and response testimonials Did you try it? There is power in a testimonial song! The Scriptures say “we overcome by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony.” You never know who may be ministered to as you softly sing your testimony!
“God is a good God” 🎵🎶 and as many who heard and in their soul who may “need to agree”would respond singing: 🎶Yes He is! Those words could be water for their thirsty soul.
We are not alone in this journey! From the time the Church 💒 was birthed at Pentecost, The epistle writers addressed the people as a group. “The church at Ephesus” “Before the foundation of the earth 🌍 God chose you” The statement was plural but by God’s design we each individually respond to His Truth! 🙋🏽♀️
So…what is your testimony of praise 🙌🏾🎵 Let everything that has breathe praise The Lord! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
❤️ Doc
“Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:3 ESV