1 John 4:7 – ESV

1 John 4:7 – ESV

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach The Spiritual Disciplines to a group of university students at our church. It was a one day intensive class. 😳
It blessed my soul to see the hunger and anticipation of these young adults to hear the Word. At first it felt daunting to get through each of the disciplines in a day and do it justice…then the Holy Spirit gently reminded me that our greatest distinguishing characteristic as “children of God is not how we apply the disciplines, but…how we love ❤️. We won’t demonstrate love until we are assured we are loved BY GOD!
The tone shifted from talking about the need for disciplines to our motive for doing them. Holy Spirit lead me to talk about understanding why Jesus is called the bridegroom and not the husband and we are referred to as the bride, not the wife! It is a LOVE relationship. The disciplines become a desire and delight not just a Christian obligation.
Let’s encourage one another to know we ARE THE BELOVED ❤️ children of God! It is not based on what we have done or will do…it is based on the FINISHED work of Christ! Just BE…LOVED, and you will be enabled to love others.
Love ❤️ you and praying you know how much YOU are LOVED! – Doc
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7 – ESV


Dr. René Rochester is the CEO and founder of Phat Star® Learning, formed over 10 years ago to serve urban youth, youth workers and impoverished communities. In our formative years we spent much of our time training inner-city urban youth workers. As the designer of the Kids Across America Kaleo Program, Dr. Rene had the opportunity to serve thousands of youth workers from around the country for over 10 years. During recent years, she has been very concerned with the state of education in our country especially among African American youth.
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