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Good morning family,
Well… it is the end of my first week of school! My feet👣after the stress of last week required an epson salt soaking. 😩 Most of the week was spent getting to know my students which is the favorite part of my job! ☺️ The Word tells us how lovely are the feet 👣 of those who bring “good news”.
We often think 🤔 to bring “good news” is to verbally tell people everything we know about Jesus.
But…as I read the text slowly, I am seeing something a little different. When it says how lovely are the “feet” of them who bring good news The word feet emphasized to me that we are to “embody” the “good news of the Kingdom of God”
The Spirit of the loving God lives in us, and the fruit of His nature should come forth from our being! Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness…then self is controlled by the Holy Spirit! Trust me there are days, when certain individuals’ feet 👣 walk all over my emotions! 🤨 and I have to pause and remember I have lovely feet!
Father guard my mouth 🤭 as I walk out your nature!!
It’s more than words!
“Stand therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet Sandler with readiness for the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:14-15
❤️ yah Doc