My Mother’s Birthday Celebration – Matt. 6:6

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Good Morning family,
This is a special day in July, it is my mother’s Birthday!🎂 🥳 and we will Celebrate 🎊 her today! I have learned to appreciate that my mother, is a woman of routine and order!
One day this summer I got tickled putting fresh sheets on the guest bed with a friend. We both were tucking the sheets using “nurses corners” our mother’s were nurses and taught us how to make a bed the way they learned back in the day. That’s right…nurses made beds!!😳 The routine of putting fresh sheets on the bed with “nurses corners” is still in me.
A routine I appreciate most about my mother is her “daily prayer time🙏🏾. Every morning she will tuck away and pray. Her house has a “walk in closet where she goes in shut’s the door, and as the song would say…”have a little talk with Jesus” 🎵. She lets nothing interrupt her time with The Father. Mother “makes and takes” time to call on the One who controls the universe.
Whenever I would be “in a way” about something while talking with mother…she would let me “rant” for a moment and then shift the momentum of the conversation “drop a couple of nuggets of wisdom” and ask…Have you prayed about it?
I used to get irritated when she asked that. But… I have grown to realize what she was doing. Mother was listening with careful intent to know how and what to pray in her routine every day!
Lord help us to listen and learn what and how to pray each day!
“But you, when you pray, enter your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matt. 6:6