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The KAA board meeting

By Dr. René Rochester | June 25, 2021

Relaxing after the KAA board meeting! Enjoying staff and campers. Aaliyah the KAA3 Women’s Director and staff and campers getting it in the dining hall! The Joy of The Lord is our strength!

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My Journey To Kids Across America

By Dr. René Rochester | June 23, 2021

These are the pictures of my journey to Kids Across America yesterday for a board meeting. The flight to the registration office and the view outside my cabin this morning. Please pray for us to walk in a surrendered posture before The Lord and listen for His voice! I am rocking on a swing bench […]

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Rene Rochester’s Live

By Dr. René Rochester | June 19, 2021
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Here is a throwback from a Year Ago

By Dr. René Rochester | June 3, 2021

Here is a throwback from a year ago. So much has happened in a year, but we still have a journey ahead of us. As I take the summer to finish a book” Sustained: Relationship journeys through turbulent times!” I would ask for your prayers. I will be sharing snippets on Facebook and an upcoming […]

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Our Brains – Mirrors to the World

By Dr. Annita Damico | July 24, 2019

We Are Living Expressions of the Word (2 Cor. 3:2) Every story, every parable, every principle in the Bible is given to provide insight into the ways our hearts, minds, and bodies are designed to function. For example: Isaiah 53:6 talks about how we are like sheep – he does not say we are sheep. […]

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God Analogies: Grafting, a Picture of Christ As Our Source and Foundation

By Dr. Annita Damico | June 17, 2019

…You although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among other shoots and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree. (Romans 11:17)  I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. […]

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The Power of Cultivating

By Dr. Annita Damico | June 4, 2019

Then the Lord God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it.—Genesis 2:15 Cultivate: to improve by labor, care, or study; to refine or cultivate the mind ( God in His perfection and goodness created a garden and mankind (in His own image and likeness). He put […]

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