The Witness!
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Preparing for Pentecost…
June 3, 2022
Who was there? Who knows what was declared? Who knows the intended purpose? Who knows the price paid? Who intervenes and empowers?
“The Witness!” The Holy Spirit
A witness is one who testifies and serves giving evidence or proof of something’s existing.
The Holy Spirit was at the creation of the universe. He was with The Father and the Son before the world was.
Genesis 1: 2
Jesus prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane asks the Father to restore to Him the Glory He had shared with him before the world began. The Holy Spirit “witnessed” everything that transpired before during and after the resurrection! He was there when Jesus took the keys 🔑 to death, Hell and the grave!
The Holy Spirit “witnessed” Jesus pouring His blood 🩸on the “mercy seat”for our sins! But…what allows you and I to live life on earth victorious, is to wait on “The Witness” as the disciples did at Pentecost Jesus told them “You shall receive power- enablement when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Now being infused with the Spirit, He will “testify” of what you do right and when you miss it! I love it that He has been sent to remind us of who we are and of Whom we belong to! When you do miss it, God knows just own it and ask God to cleanse and forgive you and move on.
No matter where you are today wait on Him and listen for Him! He will give you the words to speak 🗣 or encourage you to be still! Let Him have His way!
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:13 ESV
FYI Sunday is Pentecost Sunday!
♥️ and peace,