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Eph.6.10 -11 CSB

By Dr. René Rochester | July 4, 2023

Today take time to celebrate your freedom in the Lord. Jesus said “Truly are you disciples of mine, if you abide in My Word, 📖 you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free!” I must be mindful that it is in knowing “the truth” that we are set free? Our familiarity […]

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Galatians 6:9

By Dr. René Rochester | July 3, 2023

It is hard to believe we are at the start of the second half of the year! 🗓️😲 One thing I learned as a coach… at times looking ahead to the second 1/2 of a game was overwhelming because we got off to a difficult start. When the half time buzzer sounded, the players hustled […]

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Matthew 6:10 ESV

By Dr. René Rochester | June 30, 2023

“I’m living my best life!” I have read this on posts, in books 📚and heard this in interviews. It’s even been someone’s lines on a tv series or movie! So…what does it really mean? 🤷🏽‍♀️ For some it means they feel On top of their game and everything is lining up for them in their […]

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Hebrews 3:13

By Dr. René Rochester | June 29, 2023

🎶Every day is a new day in love with you🎵Do you remember the tune? OK how about this line…🎵I’ll love you more today that yesterday…let’s see if you can say the rest of the line: but not____________🎶 in case you did get it the line is “but not as much as tomorrow” 🎵☺️ The writer […]

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Psalm 34:3 ESV

By Dr. René Rochester | June 28, 2023

Yesterday we talked about call and response testimonials Did you try it? There is power in a testimonial song! The Scriptures say “we overcome by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony.” You never know who may be ministered to as you softly sing your testimony! “God is a good […]

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Ephesians 5:18 NASB

By Dr. René Rochester | June 27, 2023

🎶God is a Good God! Yes He is!🎵I am so grateful for the “call and response in song! Back in the day one would start…and another would respond until everybody was in sync. At Kids Across America you can witness many long stay cultural traditions of testimonial song 🎶 in the call and response flow! […]

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John 13:34-35 ESV

By Dr. René Rochester | June 26, 2023

This morning my phone sent a reminder of my flight home tomorrow morning. Today will be my last full day at KAA. I am grateful for the flight, so I can can rest and reflect. Last year It was a 10 hour drive 🚙 to Golden Missouri, 😳but I did not travel alone. I was […]

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Kids Across America Kamps

By Dr. René Rochester | June 26, 2023

Stopped me in the store the first day I arrived and said how my words in 1998 ministered life to her and helped her get through a very dark season of her journey. She wept as she shared and said thank you. #orderedsteps #kidsacrossamerica #KAA — at Kids Across America Kamps. 

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Be Still – Psalm 119:133

By Dr. René Rochester | June 26, 2023

Good Afternoon, I am currently at Kids Across America. I was here for a board meeting, but staying a little longer to “be still” and enjoy the down time and visit with staff as The Lord would lead! He daily “orders our steps” according to His Word. Have you ever had to walk in to […]

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Isaiah 46:10–11

By Dr. René Rochester | June 24, 2023

Yesterday we talked about a King’s decree 👑 “Let it be written, Let it be done!” Our God and Father is the King of the Universe, yet He is intimately aquatinted with us individually 😳! That’s why He is GOD! Be assured whatever we need today, the eternal God who oversees time saw our situation […]

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