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Let the Lord Work With You – Acts 1:8

By Dr. René Rochester | September 12, 2023

Let the Lord work with you and through you today! Acts 1:8 ❤️

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Through The Lens Of The Spirit Of God

By Dr. René Rochester | September 8, 2023

It is the eighth day of the ninth month of the year. We are wrapping it up! It is interesting 🤨 that the Labor Day work week ends on the 8th day of the month. Eight is the number of new beginnings. I believe the Lord is speaking to me: “ I am doing a […]

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Generation Reboot

By Dr. René Rochester | September 6, 2023

#achosengenerationreboot #1peterstudy

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Hebrews 4:15-16 NASB

By Dr. René Rochester | September 5, 2023

Meditating on this verse today: “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things just as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help […]

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Be Fruitful Multiply And Productive

By Dr. René Rochester | August 31, 2023

Be fruitful, multiply and productive on all God has given us on this day ♥️

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Ephesians 2:19 ESV

By Dr. René Rochester | August 30, 2023

August is almost over, and Labor Day is less than a week away! I can remember how my church in Texas would have an annual family picnic 🧺 day to end the summer. The gathering would be a time of good eating , laughing and games with the brothers and sisters from the church. It […]

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Celebrate Life – Don’t You Worry About A Thing

By Dr. René Rochester | August 26, 2023

Last week in class I could feel the vibe of anxiety from my students concerning the quiz they were about to take. I answered a few questions and said “don’t you worry about a thing” immediately, a student and I started singing 🎶🎵 Stevie Wonder rendition of those very words. Yesterday while at the White […]

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Romans 12:12

By Dr. René Rochester | August 25, 2023

Yesterday I ended with keep praying… In the song that ministered to me throughout the summer after the line keep praying, are the words: We are living proof of what holding on can do! Back in the day all mothers of the church would say… I am yet ‘holdin’ on… and the response would be…’keep […]

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Psalm 116:1-2

By Dr. René Rochester | August 24, 2023

Last night and this morning my right foot 🦶 has been in a bit of pain 😑. Sometimes it’s a flare of arthritis pain. 😳 Our Heavenly Father designed our bodies with pain receptors on purpose for a purpose. To make us aware of something that needs attention and care. When my foot hurt it […]

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Romans 16:20

By Dr. René Rochester | August 24, 2023

Talking with a friend a couple of days ago, she said she had a dream of a serpent following her. I listened to her, intently as she described what took place. In my mind’s eye I visualized her words. A serpent moving on the ground following her, and then I heard clearly in my head, […]

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